Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from sophiemac photography

May you have a wonderful Christmas filled with family, friends, and remembrance of our Lord and Savior. Without Him, we would truly be nothing.
Last year, I lost two members of my family. So please believe me when I say slow down and enjoy every minute because it will be a memory you can hold on to forever. Merry Christmas from my family to yours.
With love,
Bethany, Robert, Sophia, and Mac

Thursday, December 17, 2009

my baby boy...{big sigh}

It seems like I never EVER take pictures of Mac so I wanted to put two pictures up of him that I snuck in between a session in the Old City. It was so cold that he was shaking and sticking his hands under my coat.
I really mean it when I say this is my favorite picture. Of course I'm not at all bias!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cards for the Carroll family

Here's a sneak peak of The Carroll's Christmas cards.

Inside spread


Christmas cards for my momma

When I do things for my family, I always like going over the top. However, my mom isn't an over the top kind of gal. I tried every way that I could to get her to go with these big beautiful Christmas cards but all she wanted was the back. But that's ok because when momma's happy, we're all happy. I love you mom...and your cards.

Christmas a little different

Daniel and Amber are not your run of the mill people and their Christmas Cards are certainly not your go with the grain cards but I love them so much (the cards and the people)! So girly and eclectic...sorry Daniel.

Christmas cards!

I love making Christmas Cards. I get cracked up because it's amazing how one thing can make me go crazy and push me over the edge and also put me in such a Christmas mood.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Meet sweet baby A

Meet baby A. I swear I get to take pictures of the cutest babies EVER! I think I have some new favorites and here's a few.

Can you tell Daddy is a boxer?

My all time favorite shot EVER!

Mr. A wasn't a happy baby at all. It was so hard to get a grin. Can you tell?

There's something about this picture. It's like he's speaking without words.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Little Miss C in all her glory

Meet little Miss C. Can I just say that I love this little gal. Amber and Daniel, I love you guys so much. Thank you for letting me share your brand new world with everyone. I'm almost finished with your pictures. Thanks for being so patient.