Tuesday, April 14, 2009

{my daddy}

This is my daddy.  I snook this picture last fall when we went up to Big South Fork and road the train.  He's not a picture person but I love this picture of him.  
He's going tomorrow (wednesday) for a bone scan to see if the cancer has spread.  Please believe with me that it is gone.  This easter, the resounding theme seemed to repeat hope.  So that's what I'm standing on - hope.  Hope that the cancer is gone.  Hope that the merkel cell carcinoma will not come back.  Hope that he will be with me and my babies for a long, long time.  I am a strong person, especially in my faith so I am clinging to God and His promises.  
For those of you who have told me that he is in your prayers, you will never know what that means.  Just knowing that there are people standing in the gap for us is immeasurable. Please, don't relent.  Keep the prayers coming.  
I will keep everyone posted on his progress.  I love all of you.  Thank you for caring so much.


Anonymous said...

I hate cancer so much I cant tell you how bad. Prayers can change everything. Just remember God's in charge not the cancer. Prayers for strength and courage.

The Claunch Family said...

I love that picture, and I hope everything goes well!

sophiemac photography said...

Thank you both. You are right! Cancer is not in charge...God is!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't saying that to be a smart alek. Don't know if you took it that way or not. I think sometimes people tend to forget that thru the pain and the grief. Don't know why we have go thru the pain and suffering but one thing I do know know is that God has a reason and purpose for it. Just know there is people praying for you and your family. And you are in my thoughts throughout the day. Keep us posted.

sophiemac photography said...

No. Not at all. That statement has helped me grab on to a new faith so thank you for saying it and thank you for praying.

George, Group Admin said...

Please take a moment to stop by the Google Group for Merkel Cell Cancer. I am the founder of this group of some 310 MCC members and an almost four year survivor of Merkel Cell Cancer.

Group Founder & MCC Survivor
Google Groups for MCC